Latest News

Spring Covid Booster Clinics 

If you are over the age of 75 as at 30th June 2024 or classed as Immunosuppressed you are eligible for a Spring Covid Booster.  We are currently contacting patients who are eligible.  If you have not been contacted and feel you are eligible for a Covid Booster please contact us on 028 70344494.

For more info click on the link below

 Top up your COVID-19 protection with the spring booster | HSC Public Health Agency (

You can also receive your vaccine at your local pharmacy. 

New Emotional Health & Wellbeing Guide

Emotional Health & Wellbeing Guide

Shingles Vaccine available for patients 50+ who are immunosuppressed and eligible 65>years.

For more information on who can receive the vaccine go to

Find out more at

Condition Management Programme

The Condition Management Programme (CMP) is a work focused programme which can provide a wide range of interventions and support to your patients who have a physical and/or mental health condition which affects their ability to work. The team is made up of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Mental Health Nurses and each patient receives a full bio-psycho social assessment of needs and may require interventions from one or more Clinicians as part of their participation in the programme. CMP is a well-established, clinically proven, free programme which can offer up to a maximum of 12 sessions of 1:1 and or group intervention. You can refer to CMP by telephoning your local CMP team directly: Northern HSC Trust 028 2563 5250 

The link below provides further information on CMP:

Childhood Vaccinations 

Childhood vaccination uptake rates have been declining in Northern Ireland...  See links below for further advice and information on childhood vaccinations.

Semglutide (Ozempic) for weight loss

From today NICE have licensed Semglutide (Ozempic) for weight loss within an NHS specialist weight management service and with ongoing support from a multi-disciplinary team. 
Please do not ring the practice to request this medication.  GPs can NOT prescribe this medication at this time. It can only be started as part of a patient's treatment in a Secondary Care NHS specialist weight management service and with the support of a multi-disciplinary team.  This Secondary Care service is not available in the Causeway area at this time.


We have seen a huge increase in the amount of calls for repeat prescriptions, we have 3 ways in which you may re-order your repeat prescriptions: 
  1.  Online (which is the preferred method and hassle free & application can be downloaded from our website)
  2.  Ring the Prescription telephone number  & a message can be left on the voicemail when we are closed.
  3.  Drop your repeat prescription (with Name & DOB & repeat order) into the outside letter-box.  

  Thank you for your co-operation







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